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Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault (SACASA): 24 Hour Crisis Lines
(520) 327-7273 or 1 (800) 400-1001
Se Habla Español

Wingspan Anti-Violence Programs
(520) 624-0348 OR 1 (800) 553-9387
Se Habla Español

*If this is an emergency, call 911*


If you or someone you know has experienced violence or harassment, remember that it’s not your fault. We believe you, we’re here to support you, and help is available. 

Public or street harassment can be particularly intimidating because it’s so varied and unpredictable. While there is no ‘right’ way to respond to harassment, here are some things you can do to keep yourself safe in the moment:

    • Call someone – call the crisis line, a friend, a coworker. Having someone there to support you or talk you through a situation can make a huge difference. In some cases it may also act as a deterrent to your harasser because they know you are not alone.
    • Report it – if you are able to, call the police. If you feel like this isn’t an option for you, you can still report the incidence after the fact to law enforcement, or to places like Safe Streets AZ and Wingspan.
    • Go someplace safe – if there is a business or friend’s house nearby, see if you can get there safely. If you feel comfortable doing so, let the business owner know what’s going on and ask if you can stay there temporarily or use their phone.
    • Get help – if there are other people around you, such as at a bus stop, and you feel safe approaching them, ask if they can stay with you or talk to you for a little while.

If you see someone being harassed and you feel safe in helping them, here are some ideas in ways to support them:

Safety first! If you choose to do something make sure that you are taking your safety and the safety of the person being harassed into consideration.

  • Give them the crisis line numbers – the more resources someone has, the better. Give them the Safe Streets AZ information and any other resources that you know of.
  • Offer help – ask the person if they want you to stay with them until they feel safe.
  • Walk with them – if you know of a safe business or alternate location that might be safe for them, let them know, and offer to walk with them or give them directions.
  • Call the police– if you feel that someone is in danger, call 911. Make sure that you’re somewhere safe while you call.
  • Offer support– after the incident, going up to someone who has experienced harassment and asking them if they’re ok and asking if they need help can be very important. It lets the person know that what happened to them was not ok, that they are not alone, and that help is available.