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Gender violence of any kind is never the fault of the person being targeted.
Whether it’s name-calling, physical harassment or threats, no one “asks” or “deserves” to be harassed. Every situation and every reaction is different, so it’s important that if you or someone you know has experienced harassment or violence of any kind that you and they get support.

If this is a crisis, or you are in need of immediate help, please contact the Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault or Wingspan Anti-Violence Project.

SACASA: 24 hour crisis line (520) 327 72723   or   1-800-400-1001

Wingspan AVP: (520) 624 0348   or   1-800-553-9387

*If this is an emergency, call 911*

Public and street harassment can create fear and a lack of safety. They are “gateway crimes” that send the message that using someone’s gender, sexual orientation, sex, or sexuality –perceived or actual– as a justification for violence is ok, and excuse other forms of violence.

Public and street harassment are some of the most common types of sexual violence, and it’s important to know that you are not alone. Help is available.

Here are some resources to help you share your story, get support, and end harassment.


Southern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault  (520) 327 1171
Provides community education and a safe place for survivors of sexual violence to gain strength, learn coping skills, and develop trusting, caring relationships.

EON – (520) 624 1779
Wingspan’s Youth Lounge for LGBTQ & Straight-Allied Youth Ages 13-23. A welocming and safe space open 3-8pm M-F, featuring support groups, leadership opportunities, activities and more.

Wingspan, Tucson’s LGBTQ Community Center – (520) 624 1779
The Wingspan Anti-Violence Programs (AVP) is a social change and social service program that works to address and end violence in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.

RainbowCONNECT 1 (855) 805 1991 Toll-free, Mon-Sat 3-8pm
Local chat line for LGBT and allied youth to discuss how bullying and other forms of violence affect their lives. Callers are connected with trained operators to talk about these issues and offer support, resources, and information.

Men Against Violence (MAV) – University of Arizona
A student lead group working to end violence against women on campus and in the community. Hosted through the UofA Oasis Program–link takes you to current brochure.

is a movement dedicated to ending street harassment using mobile technology. Been holla’d at? Hollaback! Find new resources and new ways to share your story and connect.